Monday, 6 September 2010

Labor Day weekend Paint Off !

This past weekend, in the heart of Whistler village,
the first annual "Paint Off" was held.

The contest kicked off at 1 pm on Saturday.
Six well known local artists began with clean slates.

Typically, I began without a plan.

Alex "Liks" Foulis

Dave "Pepe" Petko

Susie Cipolla

Stan Matwychuk

Darren Camplin

It was really cool to see the diversity of the work created side by side.

We painted for two days in the wind, rain and sunshine.
It was a super fun time & everyone's paintings turned out looking amazing!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Live Painting in Whistler Village

August 28th & 29th I painted live in the Whistler village as
part of the Whistler Street Entertainment.

The mountain tops were dusted with snow. Autumn was in the air.

...yet sunflowers grew on my canvas.

The last blast of summer.